Upgraded machines allowing high capacity line production and latest software

to track and control quality throughout the process
Aluminum Factory

The aluminum factory production line consists of a Precision TS2 double head cutting off machine, the latest double head automated saw at Emmegi, with a production capacity of 500 cuts per hour.

Installed in parallel with the double head saw, the aluminum factory is equipped with a single head cutting off machine, the 650 SCA/E by Emmegi. This saw provides 2 angles of cut simultaneously, on the x and y axis, without rotation of the profiles, which enables the operator to perform special cuts with the desired angles, in addition to standards cuts.

Moving on through the production line, the aluminum factory is equipped with the latest 4 axes CNC machining center from Emmegi. This machine is built for milling, drilling, tapping and cutting of aluminum. Once the profiles are cut, they are sent to the CNC machining center where the operator performs the desired job (milling, tapping…). The whole operation is fully automated, where minimal human input is required for the machine operation, as a special software - FP-Pro - built in by Emmegi, enables the machining center to read directly from the saw the job required to be performed, via a barcode reader/scanner, and different jobs can be performed simultaneously for the same profile, thus saving time and minimizing errors. After the profiles are produced, the crimping punching machine is used to facilitate the frames and leaves assembly.

Also, the aluminum factory is equipped with a Lisec bonding machine including a base mix, a base freeze and a base seal-table.This machine is used in the glass/aluminum bonding process for structurally glazed concealed windows and unitized curtain wall system.

Finally the aluminum factory has a CNC router to perform ACP jobs as per the projects requirements and specifications.

For small and relatively quick jobs, the factory is equipped with manual milling machines in order not to disturb the operation of the automated machining line.

The aluminum factory consists of four assembly lines upgradable to eight by adding 4 additional assembly lines, as space and equipment are available and can handle the expansion.

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